Find out everything you need to start working in the Netherlands!
Are you considering going to work in the Netherlands, but don’t know the language well? The best solution will be to use the help of an employment agency. In Poland, temporary work is not very trusted. In the Netherlands, however, many people use such companies. Going with an intermediary will not only be legal, but also safer.
The Netherlands offers great income opportunities for both permanent and seasonal workers. Many people appreciate not only the high wages and large selection of offers, but also the friendly attitude of the Dutch towards Poles and the job security guaranteed by local laws. What formalities need to be completed to start working legally in the Netherlands?
Are you looking for seasonal work for the vacations? Or maybe you have an extended vacation and want to shore up your household budget during this time? You can get attractive employment in the Netherlands. What are the advantages of seasonal work in this country?
Very popular among Poles looking for seasonal work in the Netherlands are offers of employment in horticulture. They often target couples and entire families. Why should you consider going with your loved ones?
Are you looking for seasonal work to help you earn a salary, pension or retirement? Or maybe you’re interested in summer employment that will earn you an attractive salary while you’re away at university? The ideal solution for women would be to work in the Netherlands.