For the most part, recruitment for jobs in the Netherlands follows a single pattern. Before it is carried out, the candidate should submit his or her application for employment in the form of a resume. Whether it is an immediate job in the Netherlands or employment preceded by several recruitment stages, the recruitment itself is subject to a single scheme.
Even if it is
job in the Netherlands without language
you should be aware that the prospective employer will want to interview the prospective candidate before hiring. Definitely in a better situation are people who, even without knowledge of the language, are interested in jobs in the Netherlands Opole offered by a professional recruitment agency. They can count on the professional assistance of a company representative during the interview process.
During the first recruitment meeting with the prospective employer, the candidate is presented with the most important information about the company seeking employees for the vacancies. In the next stage, individual questions may be addressed to the candidate, the scope of which in most cases relates to the information contained in the resume. Most often, these relate to competencies, education and skills possessed, there may also be questions of a personal nature.
Equal treatment
It is important to be aware that in the Dutch culture there is a far greater range of unasked questions compared to Polish conditions. Issues of racial or religious discrimination should absolutely not come up during the interview. The only permissible question that may be asked during the recruitment process is whether the candidate’s religion interferes with the scope of future employment duties and the timing of their performance. Since Dutch law strictly defines regulations that are secured by serious restrictions, any person not only from the Netherlands, but also from abroad in case of their violation during recruitment can report the above fact to the Equal Treatment Commission.