When the decision is made to go to work in the Netherlands, there is only one question left to solve: whether to use the services of a temporary employment agency or go on your own. Undoubtedly, both strategies have their pros and cons. However, for those traveling to the Netherlands for the first time, the best way would be to use an agency. Why? First of all, because if we choose a good agency, we don’t have to worry about work or accommodation. Goal achieved (we have a job), for the biggest stress (where will I live?) we got it out of the way. However, if you decide to go on your own, be sure to find some accommodation beforehand. This will be difficult, but it is essential to take care of it well in advance. We recommend “crazy” trips only to those to whom the lack of a roof over their heads does not prevent them from enjoying life 🙂
Looking for a job with a temporary employment agency?
Going to work in the Netherlands through an employment agency has recently become very popular. Why? An employment agency (a good one – it’s worth checking this before deciding on the services of a particular company) provides us with the support of a coordinator who will arrange, for example, a doctor’s appointment if necessary. Agents find us jobs, making sure that our skills, confirmed by certificates or courses taken, are recognized. It is completely different when you go on your own. Then we must be prepared that the employer may treat us with distrust, our certificates will not count, and we will have to start the struggle for a position in the labor market from scratch.What about accommodation? Most often, employment agencies include accommodation (free or paid) in their offer or offer assistance in finding housing. Check it out! And – before you are outraged by the amount of fees – remember that the cost of housing in the Netherlands is much higher than in Poland.
The downsides of looking for a job on your own!
Language barrier! We are on the territory of the Netherlands. So it’s no surprise that Dutch portals publish their listings in Dutch. Directly signing a contract with a prospective employer may allow you to earn a little more, but even there the contract will be written in Dutch. We are unlikely to count on a Polish version. You can ask for a translation of the contract. Downsides: cost and difficulty in finding an interpreter. However, we strongly advise against signing a contract “in the dark.” Never sign any documents whose contents you do not know, as unpleasant consequences are not difficult.
Not every employer is trustworthy, either. Before signing a contract with a particular company or enterprise, it is always a good idea to seek information about it, especially the opinions of other people who have already worked there.
What do you need to get started?
Whichever option you choose, it’s a good idea to take money with you. If we use an agency, we only have to take care of food and possible entertainment. We also take clothes and cosmetics with us from the country – this is both convenient and economical, as we will pay more in the Netherlands for such products than in Poland. Cell phone – no one probably needs to be reminded of this. Sleeping bag. It’s not always needed, but sometimes it can come in handy, and it’s good to have it on hand then. Bottom line: it is up to you to decide whether you will use an agency when going to work in the Netherlands or do it on your own. The most important thing is to always keep your comfort and safety in mind.
Also see what to look out for when going to work in the Netherlands!